Pie match sketch faces can produce a myriad of patterns depending on the cut of veneer and the orientation of each veneer leaf in the pattern.
Education Center
- September 29, 2015
- March 9, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
- March 5, 2015
Booth Veneers’ News
- December 17, 2015
Contact Info
Address: 510 Patrol Road, Jeffersonville, IN 47150
Phone: 812-704-5200
Fax: 812-704-5299
Email: Veneer Samples